Thursday, May 31, 2007

Montreal, Canada

Already done with the first leg of the flight. It's a bit different now, knowing that not only is it here but it is currently going on around me. In related news, I'm still working out the details of the actual research portion of this trip. I've got the first day figured out, which consists of learning the neighborhood, finding internet access, laundry, and a decent falafel. My first order of business will be to head down to the Arsenal, which may or may not end up being the base of my operations, depending on how friendly the people are. I've also been having pipe dreams of getting into Maison de Verre, Fondation LeCorbusier, Fondation Cartier, and possibly an interview with the man himself, Jean Nouvel. Though I haven't been proactive enough at this point, so how much actually happens, I won't know.

The map, however, worked out (85 miles and $75 later) and will hopefully be the cornerstone of my actual in-trip deliverables. I'm still looking for a good competition to adopt, which is why the trip to the Arsenal is early on my list.

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