Saturday, June 30, 2007

Paris, France

The weather is breaking a bit here. Today the sun actually came out! I was at the Parc de Buttes Cahumont when it happened, sitting atop the rocky precipice with a fantastic view of Sacre Coeur in the distance when it happened. Unfortunately I was dressed for gloomy weather - jeans and a black shirt - and so I couldn't stand to vask in its glow for long. However, it's good to see the sun again, I hope he sticks around for another two weeks. It's amazing what an overcast gray cloudy background does to contemporary architecture in a photograph.

My interview with Christope Lab this morning was rescheduled due to them being in the middle of a competition, and no one speaking a lick of English. Of course I, dropping the ball, cannot even ask my questions in French. So we're rescheduled for the 10th, interpreter and all. That meeting too may be cancelled, and the interview may have to be done via internet, which I'm not to happy about, but will work if needed. Other than that it's been a few slow days here. I'm going to map out some night routes to get some night shots of a few major works before I skip town in less than 2 weeks, which may compensate for an otherwise washed out series of graytone photographs. I've been using saturation filters way too often.

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