Thursday, October 4, 2007

Charlottesville, Va.

Heading to New York City for the weekend. I am currently working on the Nix Fellowship within the Design Research seminar. This means that the paper is shifting continuously and rapidly. Right now I'm paring down on an exploration of the concept that a place's unique urban characteristics can be interpreted into design drivers for new construction through an understanding of the "personality of place". I'm beginning to look at the if and why aspects of the existence of this idea. Theoretically I'll develop a loose methodology of reading "context", which I will then put to the test next semester in a thesis project.

I'm coming to the realization that in order to make a strong case for Personality of Place and its design implications I won't be able to use my original essays as planned. In a way it's okay, since they have been very helpful in forming this idea, but also sad because I won't be able to use them as I had intended. Still, I have plenty of contributions for the Lunch publication in the spring.

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